Panama's Gastronomic Delights: Discovering the Top 25 Must-Try Foods

Welcome to Panama, a tropical paradise that not only captivates with its stunning natural beauty but also tantalizes your taste buds with its vibrant and diverse culinary scene. From savory dishes that showcase the country's rich cultural heritage to delightful tropical fruits and refreshing beverages, Panama has something to satisfy every palate. 

In this article, we will embark on a gastronomic adventure through Panama's top 25 best foods, unveiling the flavors, ingredients, and traditions that make Panama's cuisine truly remarkable. Get ready to indulge in a culinary journey like no other.



Let's begin our culinary exploration with Panama's national dish, Sancocho. This hearty soup is made with chicken, yams, corn, and other vegetables, simmered together with herbs and spices. The result is a comforting and flavorful broth that reflects the country's Afro-Caribbean influences. Sancocho is often enjoyed with a side of white rice and avocado, making it a satisfying and wholesome meal.



No visit to Panama is complete without trying the country's delicious ceviche. Made with fresh seafood, typically fish or shrimp, marinated in lime juice and mixed with onions, tomatoes, cilantro, and other seasonings, ceviche offers a burst of tangy and refreshing flavors. It is often served with crispy plantain chips or saltine crackers, adding a delightful crunch to this popular dish.



Patacones are a beloved Panamanian snack made from green plantains. The plantains are sliced, fried until crispy, and then flattened before being fried again. The result is a crispy and savory treat that is often served as a side dish or enjoyed with a variety of toppings, such as guacamole, ceviche, or shredded meat. Patacones are a must-try for their addictive texture and delightful flavor.


Ropa Vieja:

Ropa Vieja, meaning "old clothes" in Spanish, is a flavorful and tender meat dish that is popular in Panama. It is made with shredded beef or chicken cooked in a savory tomato-based sauce with onions, bell peppers, and spices. The slow-cooking process allows the meat to absorb the flavors, resulting in a succulent and richly flavored dish. Ropa Vieja is often served with rice and beans, creating a satisfying and traditional meal.


Arroz con Pollo:

Arroz con Pollo, or chicken with rice, is a classic Panamanian dish that showcases the country's culinary heritage. Tender chicken pieces are cooked with rice, vegetables, herbs, and spices, creating a flavorful one-pot meal. The rice absorbs the savory flavors of the chicken, creating a comforting and satisfying dish that is enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.



Hojaldres, also known as Panamanian fried bread, is a popular breakfast or snack item in Panama. These fluffy and flaky fried breads are similar to a cross between a biscuit and a croissant. They are often served with cheese, scrambled eggs, or as an accompaniment to soups and stews. Hojaldres are a delicious and versatile treat that will leave you craving for more.



Carimañolas are a traditional Panamanian snack that originated from the country's Afro-Caribbean heritage. They are deep-fried yuca (cassava) dough filled with savory meat or cheese. The crispy exterior contrasts with the soft and flavorful filling, creating a delightful burst of textures and flavors. Carimañolas are often enjoyed as street food or as appetizers in gatherings and are a true culinary gem of Panama.


Ceviche de Concha:

Panama's coastal location means that seafood plays a prominent role in its cuisine. Ceviche de Concha, or conch ceviche, is a prime example of the country's seafood delights. The conch meat is marinated in lime juice, mixed with onions, tomatoes, cilantro, and other seasonings, resulting in a refreshing and tangy ceviche. The combination of flavors and textures in this dish is truly captivating.



Cool down on a hot day with Chicheme, a popular traditional beverage in Panama. This creamy and refreshing corn-based drink is made with corn kernels, milk, cinnamon, and sugar. Chicheme is often enjoyed as a dessert or as a refreshing drink to quench your thirst. Its unique flavor and creamy consistency make it a beloved favorite among locals and visitors.



Empanadas are a staple in Panamanian cuisine and come in various flavors and fillings. These golden, deep-fried pastries are typically stuffed with ground meat, cheese, or a combination of ingredients. Empanadas are a versatile and portable snack that can be enjoyed on the go or as part of a meal. The crispy crust and flavorful fillings make them a true delight for food enthusiasts.



Bollos are savory cornmeal tamales that are wrapped in banana leaves and steamed to perfection. They are often filled with seasoned pork or chicken and are enjoyed as a popular breakfast or lunch option in Panama. Bollos are not only delicious but also represent the country's indigenous culinary traditions.



Torrejitas are savory corn fritters that are made with cornmeal, onions, and spices. These golden and crispy fritters are commonly enjoyed as a side dish or as a snack. They are often served with a tangy dipping sauce or enjoyed on their own for their delightful flavor and satisfying crunch.



Raspadura is a traditional Panamanian sweet treat made from sugarcane juice. The juice is boiled until it thickens and solidifies into a dense block, which is then grated or shaved into a fine, sugary powder. Raspadura is often enjoyed on its own or used as a sweetener in desserts and beverages. Its unique flavor and natural sweetness make it a favorite among locals.


Sopa Borracha:

Sopa Borracha, which translates to "drunken soup," is a delectable dessert that combines sponge cake soaked in a sweet syrup made with rum and various spices. It is often served with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Sopa Borracha is a delightful indulgence that adds a touch of sweetness to the Panamanian culinary experience.



Chicharrones are crispy and flavorful pork rinds that are enjoyed as a popular snack in Panama. The pork rinds are deep-fried until golden and crispy, resulting in a satisfying and savory treat. Chicharrones are often seasoned with spices and served with a side of hot sauce for an extra kick of flavor.


Tres Leches Cake:

Tres Leches Cake, meaning "three milks cake," is a beloved dessert in Panama. This moist sponge cake is soaked in a mixture of condensed milk, evaporated milk, and heavy cream, creating a luscious and indulgent treat. Tres Leches Cake is often topped with whipped cream and garnished with fresh fruits or a sprinkle of cinnamon. It is a sweet finale to any meal or celebration.


Marañón Juice:

Marañón, also known as cashew fruit, is a tropical fruit that is native to Panama. The juice extracted from this fruit is sweet, tangy, and refreshing. Marañón juice is a popular beverage in Panama, especially during the hot summer months. Its unique flavor and vibrant color make it a must-try when exploring the local fruit offerings.


Relleno de Pavo:

Relleno de Pavo is a traditional Panamanian dish that is often enjoyed during special occasions or festive gatherings. It is a flavorful stuffing made with ground turkey, onions, garlic, tomatoes, raisins, and various spices. The stuffing is then placed inside a whole turkey, which is roasted to perfection. Relleno de Pavo is a festive and delicious dish that showcases the country's culinary heritage.


Seco de Pollo:

Seco de Pollo is a popular Panamanian chicken stew that is bursting with flavors. Tender chicken pieces are simmered in a rich sauce made with cilantro, onions, peppers, and spices. The slow-cooking process allows the flavors to meld together, resulting in a savory and aromatic dish. Seco de Pollo is often served with rice and beans, creating a satisfying and comforting meal.


Chicha de Saril:

Chicha de Saril is a refreshing beverage made from hibiscus flowers. The flowers are steeped in water and mixed with sugar, resulting in a vibrant and tangy drink. Chicha de Saril is enjoyed throughout the year, but it is especially popular during the hot summer months for its cooling and thirst-quenching properties.


Tortillas Chorreadas:

Tortillas Chorreadas are a delightful breakfast dish in Panama. These corn tortillas are topped with a savory tomato sauce, cheese, and sometimes fried eggs. The combination of flavors and textures creates a satisfying and flavorful meal to start the day. Tortillas Chorreadas are often served with a side of fried plantains or avocado for a complete breakfast experience.



Bienmesabe is a traditional Panamanian dessert made from grated coconut, condensed milk, cinnamon, and other flavorings. The mixture is cooked until it thickens and is then served as a sweet and creamy dessert. Bienmesabe is often enjoyed on its own or used as a filling for cakes and pastries. Its rich coconut flavor and smooth texture make it a delightful treat.


Arroz con Coco:

Arroz con Coco, or coconut rice, is a staple dish in Panama. The rice is cooked with coconut milk, giving it a creamy and slightly sweet flavor. Arroz con Coco is often served as a side dish to accompany various savory dishes, adding a tropical touch to the meal. Its fragrant aroma and unique taste make it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.



Raspao is a popular street food in Panama, especially during hot summer days. It is a shaved ice treat topped with a variety of flavored syrups, such as fruit flavors like strawberry, mango, or tamarind. Raspao offers a refreshing and cooling respite from the heat and is a beloved favorite among both children and adults.



Cocadas are sweet coconut candies that are enjoyed as a treat or dessert in Panama. They are made by combining grated coconut with condensed milk, sugar, and spices, then shaping them into small bite-sized balls and baking them until golden. Cocadas have a chewy and caramelized texture, with the natural sweetness of coconut shining through. They are a delightful way to end a meal or satisfy your sweet tooth.



Panama's culinary landscape is a treasure trove of flavors and traditions, influenced by its diverse cultural heritage and abundant natural resources. From savory dishes that highlight the country's indigenous roots to tropical fruits, refreshing beverages, and delectable desserts, the top 25 best foods of Panama offer a truly unique and unforgettable gastronomic experience. Whether you're a food enthusiast or simply looking to explore the local cuisine, Panama's culinary delights are sure to captivate your taste buds and leave you craving for more. So, embark on a culinary journey through Panama and savor the flavors that make this country a true paradise for food lovers.
